There are many questions about Ranchito con Esperanza. Below are some of the frequently asked questions.

Please contact us via email if you have more specific questions.


How do you get the children?

We receive abused, abandoned, or neglected children through the government. They rescue the children and send them here.


When did you start?

December 2008


Can you adopt children from the Shelter?

No. To adopt a child in Mexico you need to contact Procuraduría de la Defensa de Niñas, Niños y Adolescentes, ‘Ciudad Niñez’, who has the authority to place the children in adoption.


How many children do you have?

The number of children can change at any given time. We may receive children and others may move back with relatives.
What is the range of ages of children that you have?  This too can change as children are received and others leave. Presently (September 2021) the age range is 4-15.


What age children do you allow children to come to the shelter?

The children can come from newborn to age 8. They can stay until they are 18.


What is the age of the youngest child you have received?

1 week old


How many people can come on a team?

We can accommodate up to 15 people at a time.


Do I need to pay to intern with your ministry?

We do not want someone to not be able to come because of money, but if you can raise funds to cover your own costs (plane tickets, personal items, eating out), any extra will be received as an offering to help the ministry.


Is there a place for medical help while at Ranchito con Esperanza?

Yes. There is a clinic in town and a hospital 20 minutes away.