Ranchito con Esperanza (Little Ranch with Hope) is a casa hogar (children’s shelter) licensed by the Mexican Government. The children we care for are rescued from situations of abuse, neglect, or abandonment.

Ranchito con Esperanza gives these children safety, shelter, clothing, food, health care, and an education, all in the context of a family home where they can grow up with their siblings. Children are taught with respect and love. They are given comfort and a place to heal from the pain that has brought them here. But most importantly, they are shown the love of God and how to be overcomers in HIM.

Our greatest desire is to see these children heal, develop, and grow into productive adults who glorify God in the raising of their own families.


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Ranchito con Esperanza runs a primary school. The children are taught by teachers with the help of many volunteers who love the children very much. In this setting, the children receive one-on-one attention allowing teachers to tailor lesson plans and curriculum to each child’s specific needs. Their Christian education includes all basic classes and also Bible, English, computer, music, and art classes.


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Ranchito con Esperanza has the great privilege of farming twenty acres on the outskirts of Camichines. The farm gives the children a place to work off energy in a productive, life-sustaining way, while teaching them life skills. Ultimately, we want to grow the farm so these children have a place to work and call home as they become men and women.

We currently grow 15-20% of the food we consume in the form of:

  • White field corn (tortillas, cow feed, cobs for burning)

  • Purple 8-row corn (Corn on the cob and Pozole, a soup that is very popular in this area)

  • Nopales, cactus (grilled, boiled)

  • Garbanzo beans

  • Cattle (beef)

  • Bees (honey)

We now have a deep well that will irrigate the land. This will allow us to expand the farm and grow 60-70% of our own food in the form of:

  • Expand cattle herd and improve quality by grass-feeding

  • Grow pinto beans

  • Grow fruit trees – mangos, mandarin oranges, limes, tamarinds, hibiscus bushes, oranges, avocado, etc.

  • Grow vegetable plants – all varieties

  • Build greenhouses for year-round lettuce, cilantro, peppers, tomatoes, etc.

  • Dig fish pond for fish in season and irrigation refill in the off-season

  • Build a chicken coop (chicken and eggs)

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Construction on our training center is almost complete.  This Center will be a place that the children who live at the casa hogar as well as youth of the area can come and learn trade skills such as plumbing, electrical work, welding, wood working, sewing, arts and crafts that could be sold to help sustain their own families someday and more. These classes will be taught by volunteers.


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Whenever possible LENAM opens its doors to the community who love to come for Kids Club, VBS, our annual Corn Fest and other special events.


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